Oranges at Vatican City

You are the orange of my summer
You are the lime of my prime
With you the fizz of spring pops up
With you the crunch of nuts crack up
Somewhere the peaches blossom
Somewhere the daisies bloom
They look fuzzy in front of you
They look muzzy in front of you

You are the neon of my evening
You are the light of my night
With you the smile widens
With you the world brightens
Somewhere the rainbow dazzles
Somewhere the winter sizzles
It looks drowsy in front of you
It looks gloomy in front of you

You are the shooting star of my sky
You are the ocean of my devotion
With you the mundane satiates
With you the everyday radiates
Somewhere the rains splatter
Somewhere the winds batter
They look weak in front of you
They look meek in front of you