It’s not about minding the commas and inverted commas, the its & it’s.

It’s not about a hard-hitting headline or a soul-stirring body copy.

It’s not about toggling between fashion, business or news content.

It’s not about dishing up a paragraph or a brand name.

It’s not about writing reams, editing or proofreading.

Copywriting is not just about writing copy.

Copywriting goes beyond the stereotype. It’s a realm where creativity, strategy and marketing thrive in a perfect synthesis. It’s state of mind that finds creative expressions in the oddest of places and channels. It breaches the norms and transcends the barriers of writing, encompassing the other facets and nuances of creativity.

It’s sacrilege to call ourselves designers or writers. We are artists. There’s a larger role of artists in the society than a mere creative expression of their craft.