

Fiction, The Oak Desk

Fiction: I Love Delhi

This was written about 16 years back (2006) for a newspaper competition whose theme was – I Love Delhi. I had always been infatuated with Delhi – its history, culture, architecture, hidden gems, people, the diversity, underbelly, food and the confluence of many worlds that resided inside.

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The Oak Desk, Writings

Insecurity germinates ego

The 20s is an age of practical learning when we join the workforce after college. Everyone from colleagues to seniors seems to guide us, mentor us, give nuggets of wisdom from their experiences. In the sea of information, we do carry a significant amount of learnings as we grow older.

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The Oak Desk, Writings

An Odyssey of Language

The noun and definitive article were stuck when verb came for the rescue. They pulled it off quite well, until they ran out of breath. Full stop hurled a red flag to their odyssey. They started again, with preposition and ampersand as their new ally. Along came adjective to exaggerate each noun.

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Silver Beach Cafe Review Sahil Banga
Devour, Reviews

A Sensory Affair

Everything is rosy and dreamy until the food arrives. That’s when the senses go for a real spike. The mood suddenly becomes ecstatic. The food here wins your heart, and that is the true testament of any restaurant.

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Maid Article on The Indian Trumpet
Press, The Oak Desk, Writings

Watch it, Bai.

She sat hunched on her knees, eyes bereft of remorse yet welled up, occasional hiccups bringing a kind of comic relief in that tense moment. She was accused of theft, a grave offense given that maids are supposed to be loyal to the core.

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Maid Article on The Indian Trumpet
Press, The Oak Desk, Writings

Bai-God it’s true!

In India, a house is not ‘home’ until there is a Bai rustling up her magic broom there. She’s the harbinger of cleanliness, convenience and sanity, a God-sent figure who fights the rogues called dirt, teaches messiness a lesson and brings order in disorder.

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Coffeetable, Pictures

Being Social: Photo-story

They sat in solitude. Without any anxiety of what the ‘virtual’ world is up to. They cherished the occasional silence, which diverted their mind to listen to the crashing of waves. This was their idea of an ideal world. Where time stood still. Where setting of sun was an indication of time, not the watch. They detested the idea of social media.

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