We chase the Upper Crust, a shimmering mirage on the horizon. It beckons with promises of gold-plated houses and diamond-encrusted cars, whispers of fame that echo for eternity, and a success so grand it casts a shadow over everything else. We spend our youth scaling this imaginary mountain, each milestone a supposed stepping stone.
The first ledge we reach is the “Settled Life.” A cozy house, a dependable car, a family – these become the initial markers of arrival. But as we reach the ledge, the view changes. The house feels a tad cramped, the car a little ordinary. The once-distant Upper Crust seems to have receded further, replaced by a grander vision – a sprawling mansion, a sleek sports car, and perhaps even a private jet.
We scramble on, driven by this ever-shifting goalpost. Achievements that once felt like Everest become mere foothills. The joy of settling down fades, replaced by the relentless pursuit of more.
Here’s the secret, whispered by the wind at the mountain’s peak: The Upper Crust isn’t a physical place. It’s a feeling. It’s the warmth of a shared laugh with loved ones, the thrill of a new adventure, the quiet contentment of a job well done. It’s a sunrise that takes your breath away, a simple meal bursting with flavor. It’s a moment, a feeling, that settles in your heart, a permanent resident unaffected by the winds of change.
The Upper Crust isn’t a destination; it’s scattered throughout the journey. It’s in the present, waiting to be savored, not a future we endlessly chase. So, open your eyes to the beauty of the climb, for the true treasures might be hidden amongst the very rocks we’re scaling.